M&P Services        

M&P Services is a family owned and operated full services landscape maintainance company enjoying its 33rd year in the field.

The owners are Mark Travis, Paul Travis and Max Garcia, who also operate the business on a day-to-day basis. They comunicate directly with condominium association representatitves and property managers.

The company operates out of its nursery site in Delray Beach and presently employs 140 persons. All employees are identified and supervised.

We are a licensed turf and ornamental pest control operators (State Lic. #3706) and licensed irrigation contractors in Broward, Palm Beach and Martin Counties (#S 78 CLS 87X, U 1101 & SP 01355). We operate full time landscape installation crew which enables us to provide communitites with all related lanscape services in one package.

We have adequate modern trucks and equipment including large tractors (used to strengthen or remove trees after storms). We carry a large inventory of popular plants and trees at our nursery. We recycle all our lawn cuttings etc and use it in our nursery to grow plants. In addition, we use it to supplement planting beds on various job sites.

We have an outstanding reputation for reliability and have maintained certain large contracts for twenty years.

We have an excellent communication between our customers, ourselves and our foreman provided by two way radios, cell phones and a base dispatcher. All work requests pass through one of the owners of the company to ensure timely completion.

At present we service communities compromising more than 7,000 untis and 700 acres of turf and ancillary landscape.

Among the communities we provide our services to are Boca Lago, Delaire Country Club, Boca Lakes, Hammock Point, Palm Aire, Misty Oaks, Majestic Isles, Hunter's Run, Aberdeen, Gleneagles Country Club, Pelican Cove, Lakeridge Greens, Country Manor, Hampton Fairways & Viscaya.

© 2010 M&P Serivces ∙ 9465 153rd Rd South, Delray Beach, FL 33446 ∙ Tel 561-498-4125 ∙ Fax 561-498-4116 ∙ Email info@mandpservices.net